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Same-Day Rodent Removal

rodent free home

Rodents are elusive pests because they’re nocturnal and make their nests in hard-to-reach areas. This makes it difficult to pinpoint the source of the infestation, which is why we start our rodent control with a thorough inspection. We search your home from top to bottom for signs of mice and rats, checking every crevice to determine where rats and mice are hiding. After that, our rodent exterminators at Superior Pest Elimination will:

  • Design a custom treatment plan to eliminate them as efficiently as possible.
  • Strategically place traps in areas they frequent the most.
  • Perform exclusion repairs to seal off entry points, preventing future infestations.
  • Remove every trace, reclaiming your home.
  • Give you expert advice on ways you can ward off these tricky pests.

Get Same-Day Relief From Rodents!

Signs You Have a Rodent Infestation

The sooner you notice mice in your home, the sooner we can eliminate them. While a professional rodent inspection is the only way to be certain, there are some indicators of an infestation you can look for, such as:

  • Droppings, especially in closets, cabinets, or the pantry.
  • Scratching noises coming from inside the walls or ceiling.
  • Pawprints on the ground, countertops, or dusty surfaces.
  • Teeth marks on food packages, cardboard, furniture, or other items.
  • Foul odors with undeterminable sources.
  • Rats and mice scurrying through your home.

Protect Your Family from Dangerous Rodents Carrying Disease

Sharing your space with these pests puts your family at risk. Rats and mice carry dozens of dangerous diseases that can be transmitted to your loved ones, including hantavirus, leptospirosis, and tularemia. Rodents also introduce fleas, mites, and lice which can spread to both you and your pets, causing intense itching and irritation. Your home isn’t safe either, as they can increase your chances of a house fire by chewing through electrical wires. That may sound overwhelming, but with our rodent control, you don’t have to worry about a thing when you call today!

Contact The Experts Today!

Exclusion Services For Rodents And Pests

Just removing rodents and pests from your home isn't good enough, we need to ensure that they aren't able to return! Rodent exclusion is the method we use to reduce the conditions that may be attracting them to your property and preventing them from entering your property. We do this to help prevent future infestations from happening! The first step of our exclusion is to identify the entry points that rodents might use, and seal them using a variety of materials depending on the size and location of the entry point. What most people do not realize is, mice can fit in a crevice ¼ inch or larger and rats can squeeze under an opening as small as ½ inch. Locating and closing off entry points can drastically reduce the presence of mice and rats in your home.

With our rodent exclusion services, we will inspect your home and property and identify potential entry points for these pests as well as identify features that might attract them to your property, such as food and water sources nearby or easy access to warmth, and shelter.

Rodent Control Services in NY & NJ

If you’re suffering from unwanted rodents and need reliable treatment, look no further than Superior Pest Control! Our rodent control services are available throughout New York and New Jersey, including:

Stop Sharing Your Home with Rodents

Schedule your inspection today